Multi Channel Marketing

Today’s Businesses need to take advantage of the variety of channels the Internet and traditional forms of advertising have to offer to ensure company growth and increased sales. Multi Channel Marketing.

Traditionally this would be newspaper advertising, television and radio, in the digital age however the Internet is the limit!

You don’t need to rush out and hire yourself a social networking team, email marketing specialist, graphic designer and have a huge budget for marketing.


searchBefore you do anything take some time and do some research!


Look at your products, your customers and where you current marketing spending is going. After some deep soul searching you may find that your customer base is in a small geographic area around your business or that you have a huge untapped existing customer base of emails and addresses.

agt_family-offLook at your customers and where you might interact with them, there may be only a few channels that will appeal to your particular businesses customers. Once you have identified the area or areas your customers may be found create a strategy, budget and a timeline for the campaign.

Group4_Meeting_DarkMeeting regularly to discuss the progress and results is crucial to ensure the campaign is delivering the leads or sales expected. Reviewing the results and identifying those areas which perform poorly and need attention is another very important step. Constant review and improvement of both good and bad performing channels is important to drive down ROI.

Multi Channel Marketing isn’t about using every available channel, the aim is to use multiple effectively targeted channels to reach a wider perspective customer base to increase sales.

48_pie_graphYou need to ensure that you are not marketing to channels which provide poor or no ROI. Jumping into the wrong channel and investing lots of money in design, production and marketing costs slows the process to find the effective channels.